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Ongoing management

Periodic medical follow-up is important to assess dietary adherence, monitor disease activity, assess symptoms and screen for complications.​

Chronic Disease Management Templates

Chronic Disease Management Templates have been designed to guide relevant medical follow up and necessary referrals for patients with coeliac disease.​

The Coeliac Australia Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) has designed CDM (Chronic Disease Management) templates for both adults and children, incorporating GP Management Plan (GPMP) and Team Care Arrangement (TCA) documents, suitable for use with the following four medical practice computer programs.

Please refer to instructions below before commencing download: ​

Apart from the PDF and Word documents (which can be saved or downloaded and opened as normal), it is IMPORTANT that you do not open the file outside of the relevant computer program. Download or save the file without opening it.

Once the download or save is completed, unzip the file to the correct folder for the software it will be used with, then open the software to access the template.
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Refractory Coeliac Disease​

Refractory coeliac disease (RCD) – persistent damage to the small intestine regardless of strict gluten free diet (uncommon). RCD affects less than 2% of people with coeliac disease and is often associated with a diagnosis of coeliac disease later in life. Can be characterised by pronounced symptoms and can be a precursor to small bowel lymphoma and some cancers. RCD should be considered when other causes have been excluded and symptoms have persisted beyond one year.​

Dietitian Referral​

Direct your patients to Dietitians Australia to locate a Dietitian who specialises in coeliac disease.
A positive family history of coeliac disease is the main risk factor above all others that carries a risk for coeliac disease being present. All immediate relatives of someone with coeliac disease should be screened for coeliac disease using coeliac serology.
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