Coeliac Australia

DRI17963 Celiac Disease Clinical Research Study

For more information on this clinical research study or to see if you may qualify to participate, contact:

Campbelltown Hospital, Campbelltown, NSW

Contact: Gastroenterology Clinical Trials Unit

Tel: (02) 4634 4430


Coral Sea Research Institute, Mackay, QLD

Contact: Elizabeth Gibson

Tel: 1800 692 727



Box Hill Hospital, Box Hill, VIC

Contact: Emma Dimitri or Sasha Trantino

Tel: (03) 9094 9548

Email: or


Why participate in a Clinical Research Study?

Millions of people enroll in clinical research studies every year. The reasons why people choose to join are as unique and varied as the people themselves. A clinical research study may offer them choices when current treatments are not as helpful as hoped or expected.

Some people enroll to help potentially find a future treatment or for science. The reasons why you consider a clinical research study are yours alone. You should only decide once you have learned all about a clinical research study. Before you decide if you want to join the study, the doctor will review the Informed Consent Form with you.

By participating in this study, it is possible that your celiac disease may improve more than the usual approach of following a gluten-free diet alone. However, given the experimental nature of the study, it is not certain that you will directly benefit from participating. Even if you do not directly benefit, this study will help us learn things that may help other people with non-responsive celiac disease in the future.