Coeliac Australia

Coeliac Australia affiliate membership

Annual autorenewal membership

Coeliac Australia membership operates on an annual membership basis from the date of joining.

We offer standard membership and concession membership* as follows (note these prices include GST).​

For more information about annual autorenewal membership, visit membership terms and conditions.​



Join today for a year of membership*

Total payable


This includes the one-off joining fee of $50 and the annual membership fee of $60**

The ongoing annual price of membership



Affiliate concession


Join today for a year of membership*

Total payable


This includes the one-off joining fee of $50 and the annual membership fee of $50**

The ongoing annual price of membership


*Your membership will be automatically renewed for only $60 ($50 for concession) by charging your nominated credit / debit card after 1 year.
To qualify for the concession rate, member must hold a Centrelink Concession or Healthcare card (Seniors cards are not eligible).